Really, since Madelyne has been born, I've kind of taken up residence on the couch. First it was just recovering from the C-section, then it was because every time Maddy would sleep, I just wanted to lay down and doze myself. Finally, on Monday, Ash said I should probably get out of the house. I appreciate him thinking of me. He said if it was him, he would be going nuts by now. Honestly though, it hasn't bothered me. I've been out a couple times for Maddy's doctor's appointments and mine. And really, I'm just living in this hazy twilight state that comes from not sleeping except for the occasional 2-3 hour snatches that I can catch when Maddy is asleep. Getting out of the house is actually pretty far down on my list of concerns. Sleeping totally takes priority and I can do that without going anywhere.
I figured he was right though and should probably make an effort to get out, so Tuesday, we went to Mom and Dad's. It was fun. It was Maddy's first, non-medical related visit anywhere. Dad had a good time holding the baby.

I had a good time sleeping on the couch while mom took care of the baby. And, the cats were completely confused by what the little stinky thing in the car seat was.

There have been several suggestions as to what Zorro is thinking at this point. The general consensus is that he is disappointed that this comfortable looking seat is full of baby. Madelyne was not impressed.