pictures other than they are all filled with the wonderful cuteness that is Maddy. So enjoy!!
Here we see Maddy and grandpa bonding.
Obviously, grandpa is the best think she's ever tasted. Well, maybe not the best thing, but he's making a nice substitute for a bottle in this picture. Poor girl. You'd think we never feed her.
Or let her sleep. Here she is over at grandma and grandpa's house passed out on the floor.
Apparently, dad never gets any sleep either because he is also passed out on the floor with Maddy.
Alright, so I'm totally loving dressing the baby. She's like a doll that cries a lot and smells funny. I was digging through her wardrobe the other day and found a pair of baby blue jeans.
Ok, she is just the cutest freaking thing ever. I love the jeans. LOVE THEM!!!
And last, but not least, Maddy and great-grandma. I love this picture. They both look so happy. Maddy is absolutely the luckiest baby in the world!
She's the girl with all the cake!