Maddy has a rocking chair. She has grown up in this chair. It started out as her bed. Then it was there to soothe her. Now, it is her eating chair and occasionally used for play. Well, this chair came with some dangly toys that hang over the rocker. I have never had much use for them because Maddy could never reach them. She would just kind of look at them aimlessly. Well, today, I was helping Nan with her chemistry and wanted to give Maddy something to do, so we put her in the chair and set it up with the toys and you'll never believe it...
... She can reach them!! And, she can pull on them. And, I have never heard the song, "If you're happy and you know it" so many freaking times in the space of 30 min because if you pull on the middle bug it plays the tune. It would have been annoying if she wasn't so cute and big!
Speaking of cuteness, I would like to take this time to mention Cheetah. Remember, Cheetah? He was originally bought as a toy for Maddy about 8 months before she was born. Cheetah ended up becoming a member of the household though and when Maddy was born he came along to the hospital to see the new baby. It was pretty funny because at the time, Cheetah was bigger than Maddy. Not so much now. And, Cheetah is not sure he likes this...
For the most part, they have worked out there differences though...
And have found a working relationship.
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