Sunday, April 17, 2016

Maddy thinks of everything.

This is what I saw this morning when I came down to the living room.

Then a little voice said, "Hey mommy, can you see me?"

Well, no, but I have a pretty good idea where I might find you.

So Maddy had brought her tent downstairs this morning when she got up. Now the impressive thing is not just that she brought the tent down, but the set up inside the tent.

In the bottom left-hand corner is a bag of toys from the Dollar Store, then you see Maddy playing with her Nintendo DS. She has all the games in there with her too. And, over to the right, you can see a blue water jug with a glass of water under the spout for when she gets thirsty. The jug is resting on top of her stack of Pokemon books that she got from the library with a towel on top of them to protect the library books in case the jug leaks. Maddy is the ultimate camper.

The big news of tonight though, is that Maddy finally overcame her bike fears. She loves her new bike. She loves it a lot, and she would ride it anywhere, as long as that anywhere was flat or uphill. Maddy wasn't so sure about going downhill. It was just too scary. But of she loves to ride.

So tonight after about 3-4 weeks of riding around the neighborhood, we took Maddy out to Burchard Hills with her bike again. She is much better on her bike now. She knows how to stop and start without help and she can use her brakes like a pro. Now it was time for hills.

Maddy did great!

She flew all over the hills, only stopping when she wanted to wait for Ash and I to catch up. She had a rubix cube and fan packed in the bag on the front of her bike though to help occupy her while she waited.

Maddy thinks of everything.

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