It mostly involves sitting on the counter chewing on a tablespoon while I narrate what I'm doing, but she seems to enjoy it and I like the company.
Then after a fabulous breakfast of cereal and fruit, Maddy spends most of her day playing. She has her own nice corner of the living room...
She usually stays in it for about 5 minutes and then spends the rest of the time rolling around the floor and bonking her head on the coffee table. If that table were only an inch or two higher or if she would just stop rolling under it, she'd be fine, but she's stubborn. Little tiger.
If she's lucky, she also gets to play dress up, which really means I get to play dress up with her. I took these for a birthday card for her great-grandma.
She enjoyed it at first...
Then she got tired of the picture taking.
It's so hard to be cute.
Oh my gosh! Those cat pics are adorable! I'm quite sure her great-grandma was excited to see them.