So the other night I realized I was out of clothes. This has been a bad week and I just haven't done laundry and Maddy... well, Maddy is Maddy and was completely out of clothes. So, I started going through her drawer. I figured she was a little bigger and there had to be something in there that fit her (other than the yellow jumper that was handed down to her from someone. Not her best look.). So, I'm pulling out big shirts and big pants and than I find this cute little blue outfit. It looked Maddy size and lo, and behold! the tag said newborn. Not only that. It fit her perfectly!! It wasn't even, huge-newborn size on her. She looked like a regular baby, which totally merited a picture.
Isn't she great!?
Now, I have the best quilt in the world. This quilt was made by my Auntie Di and words cannot express how fabulous this quilt is. It's made of denim and velvet and it is wonderfully heavy and just warms my soul every time I take it out. And, boy, does this quilt come out, especially in the winter. So, this is my annual shout-out to Auntie Di for how fabulous she is for creating such a magnificent piece of art and to show her that the second generation is already enjoying it!
Next, we have Maddy sleeping. I have a lot of pictures of Maddy sleeping because, well, she seems to be the cutest when she's sleeping. (I say this with Maddy currently fussing in her swing. Not a pretty picture.) Well, I took her over to mom and dad's the other night after she had been crying ALL day. Not just when she wasn't sleeping, because she never slept. She stayed awake ALL day and cried because she was mad that she kept almost falling asleep. Finally she passed out and since we didn't have a bed for her over at mom and dad's house, we used the next best thing. A laundry basket.
Since then we've moved the Port-a-crib there, so next time she'll have a proper bed. So far, she still hasn't needed it. I thought babies were supposed to sleep 16 hours a day.
Lastly, Maddy does the impossible. She's so hip, she dances in her sleep. Sleeping during musicals, she SO my girl!!