This is completely different than the baby I was wrangling last night that was upset and burping up milk every time you picked her up, or turned her on her side, or laid her down to get changed or to take a bath. She had milk EVERYWHERE!! I was actually a little worried about her yesterday because she's really not a spitter.
Well today I found out what happened. I was feeding Maddy and asked mom to make a bottle because we've been supplementing Maddy to help her grow. I didn't think much of it because mom had made a bottle for the baby yesterday and had read the instructions: 2 oz of water to one scoop of formula. Then she verified that we usually just give Maddy two ounces. Well, mom goes to the kitchen tonight and comes back with a 6 oz bottle that's full. I said, "Wow, you made a lot!" and mom looked at me and said, "I just made two ounces, right. She drank it all yesterday." *sigh* That explains so much. So I had mom add two more scoops to the bottle and then only let her drink two ounces because apparently Maddy just doesn't know when to quit.
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