Maddy finally made her social debut this Sunday. She went to her first Sacrament Meeting. Now, as we have established, Maddy is small and none of her clothes fit her, so I realized about the middle of last week that if we were going to take her to church, I was actually going to have to do some clothes shopping for her, so I got mom to come over and watch her, while I took a trip to Wal-Mart. It was kind of fun actually. Mom came over to baby-sit and I got out of the house. It was my first time driving since Maddy was born and I got to crank up the Ben Folds and enjoy a little time to myself. Ok, who am I kidding, it was weird being out by myself and I actually got my shopping done pretty quickly and came back home to hang out with Mom and Maddy. I got a really cute dress for Maddy though, so she was already when Sunday came.

Maddy was totally a hit on Sunday!!
In other news, Maddy had her weight re-checked on Wednesday and she is back to her birth weight and actually exceeds it by 1 oz! I'm so proud. She is starting to bulk up a little bit. Ash says she has to get ready for a cage match. I told him no cage matches till she's at least 5. Really, we have to set some rules.
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