Sunday, April 4, 2010

Watching TV... you're doing it right!

Maddy has been a little crazy in the evenings these last two nights. She's been taking naps late in the evening, like 5-ish and then she wakes up cranky and is difficult to handle the rest of the evening. Well, today she napped around 3 and I thought, "Wow, this is great, she'll sleep this evening with no problems." So, mom came over about 5 and we took the little baby for a walk. I figured the fresh air would be good for her and the breeze would keep her awake. Well, she stayed awake for 20 min worth of walk and was completely passed out by the time we got home. She woke up 45 min later like the vicious little tiger she is.

Well, it was too early to just put her in her crib and let her cry and she needed a bath anyway, but I wanted to wait till 8:00, so Ash and I turned the lights in the living room down and I held her to calm her down. I had Maddy sitting on my chest and Ash and I were watching Food Network and all of a sudden, I realized Maddy was watching the Spongebob Birthday Cake Challenge on Food Network too. My first reaction was too move her so she couldn't see the TV because you know what they say about TV and babies. Then, I realized that Maddy was sitting on me and I wasn't holding her head. All I was doing was keeping her back propped up and Maddy was holding up her own head and turning it so she could watch TV.

Look at that face. What was I going to do? I was so freaking proud of her for keeping holding her own head up and she was delightfully quiet so I let her watch the whole episode like that. She kept her head up for an hour. I was delighted.

I did balance out all that TV with some Shel Silverstein after her bath though. Reading with her before bed is quickly becoming my favorite past time. She seems to enjoy "Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too" the best which is good because I love that one and I'm starting to learn it by heart.


  1. Well of course she liked it, it's the Food Network! What's not to like?

  2. What DO they say about babies and TV? You know what I's the best baby-sitter!

  3. hell I wake up cranky and difficult to handle too! who can blame her?
