Saturday, June 11, 2011

The busy busy baby

Since the last post, Maddy has done a lot of things. She's been to a parade. She's played in the park. She's learning to talk and eat with utensils. And, now, Maddy would like to show you some of the videos from all she's been doing.

Maddy has been learning to play guitar.

Well, Maddy likes to play guitar as long as it's not hooked up to an amplifier, then it gets to scary and babies get upset. It's OK though. One day she will be ready to rock!

Maddy's favorite place to play is still the dryer.

The door can be a little tricky sometimes though.

Maddy is sort of learning to eat with utensils.

You have to be sure not to give her the cup of yogurt though because then the spoon goes on the floor and she starts dipping her hand in the yogurt and licking it off. It kind of reminds me a Winnie the Pooh eating honey from a honey pot. Very cute, but you end up with a very sticky Maddy.

Maddy is also learning to talk. For this video, you have to really turn the sound up to hear her, but she knows what a cat says ("Ow), what a dog says (She makes a little scrunchy face a sniffs like "huff"), what a bear says (it sounds like she's making static noise), and yes, she can say Boom or Doom depending on who she's copying.

The best part is when she's over at Nan's house now chasing the cats around and saying "Ow" and she just can't understand why they don't stop and talk. And yes, in the video she is eating a crayon. Crazy girl.

Finally, the Memorial Day parade. Maddy actually had a good time.

This is her still having a good time... just more low key.

She had a good nap when she got home. It's hard to be a busy busy baby.

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