Friday, April 19, 2013

The Spooky Old Tree

So Maddy got a set of Berenstain Bear books last night. She got "Bears In The Night", "The Big Honey Hunt", and "The Spooky Old Tree." When she first looked at the covers of the books, she wanted nothing to do with "The Spooky Old Tree." In fact, she covered it with another book so she wouldn't have to see the cover. She would go and check on it every once in a while, but it still made her nervous. Mom chased her around the house reading it to her though and now it's all she wants to read. In fact, in the last half hour she's listened to it five times. And, gone on her own hunt for the Spooky Old Tree.


  1. Our kids are also *loving* their new Berestein Bears books. We read them pretty much every day.

  2. Come on, it's been two months; it's time to update this page! Buy her a new book and make another little video, or just put up some stills!
