Monday, April 25, 2016


Maddy has talked about baseball from time to time as something she would like to try. She liked the idea of it and it looked interesting.

Then, the other day we went out to eat and a Cubs vs. Cardinals game was on TV. Maddy thought that was very interesting and we ended up having to explain the game in detail to her and of course tell her who to cheer for. (Go red team!!)

So tonight, I was going through the basement and found Ash's old gloves and he found his baseball in the office and we took Maddy outside to just mess around.

She had a good time trying to bat.

But what she really enjoyed was pitching and, except for having to dodge a few wild balls and getting hit once, she actually pitched to Ash and me pretty well.

Well, then we thought we would go find an actual baseball diamond to play on, so Maddy could get the real feel of the game. So we all got in the car and drove to eight different baseball diamonds and every single one of them was full!! It was crazy!!

So we ended up just going to Krape Park and Maddy did her favorite thing ever...

Swing and sing the Pokémon song at the top of her lungs!!

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