Thursday, January 21, 2010

Babies one, babies all, let's all do the baby call... wah, wah, wah, wah

Maddy had her one week check up today. She passed with flying colors. The doctor said unless I noticed her getting yellow again, that we wouldn't need to recheck her bilirubin (hooray!!). And, Maddy weighed in at a walloping 5 lbs 4 oz. She has to go back next week to get weighed again to make sure she keeps gaining. The goal is to get her back to her birth weight by next week or by week 3. So we've got 6 oz to go. Baby's got to bulk up!

Maddy also had some tummy time today. She is lacking a sheep's fleece, which apparently babies just THRIVE on when they lay on it. In fact, we were told by the woman who sold us the fleece for my brother's baby, that it's just like being in the womb (because the womb is fuzzy and fleecy??!). So, Maddy had tummy time on a nice fleece blanket that she got from her baby shower. It has Winnie the Pooh on it and it's cute.

Maddy really wasn't that impressed with tummy time, but oh well. It's good for her.


  1. Oh my goodness, she hardly looks evil at all!

  2. Is someone going to get that baby a sheep fleece, or were you waiting for Auntie Sarah to do it?
