Monday, July 5, 2010

Roadtrip Woman

Ash and I are out of town this week. We are finally getting a roadtrip to Indiana, which means Maddy is getting a roadtrip to Indiana this week. Here are some of the highlights from the trip so far...

First, Maddy has apparently learned a new trick. She can now burrito herself.

Very convenient for carry-out. Although, you can't leave her burrito'd too long because when she's rolled up, she can't roll any further and that makes her mad.

Maddy also got to go for a walk along the river. She had a great time and was very talkative!

As it got darker, we started to see fireworks. Now, Newburgh, IN where Ash's parents live, had their fireworks display on the 3rd. We missed that display. These are the fireworks we did see though.

I can't believe what people are allowed to shoot off here! The fireworks were very cool. Maddy stayed awake for about half of them. So she did see her first fireworks after all this year.

Finally we got a shot of Maddy in Willard Library. This is a very cool library that is supposed to be haunted, so they actually set up web cameras that run 24-hours a day so people can look for the ghosts. What the plan had been was to hold Maddy up in front of one of the cameras, so she could be a baby ghost. Apparently, the cameras only take a picture every 15 minutes though, so we never did catch her on film. Here she is walking though the library looking cute though.

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