Thursday, August 26, 2010

Water baby

Maddy has been really enjoying her baths lately. You can tell because no matter how full her little bathtub is when I start, there's always less than half of the water left when she's done and mommy is a little waterlogged.

So, since today was such a beautiful day, I thought Maddy would enjoy playing outside with some water while I worked. Maddy would have some fun and I wouldn't get so wet.

She had a great time...

And just in case you are worried, yes, I did put sunscreen on her before taking her outside. I ended up getting more sun than she did.


  1. What a great idea! I might have to try that tomorrow.

    Also, the grass on your lawn is gorgeous. That video mostly makes me want to fly to your house, take of my shoes, and skip through your yard.
