Friday, September 17, 2010

Just gotta have purpose

Last night, Maddy started crawling. Or at least, I saw her starting to crawl for the first time. Ash said, "Oh yeah, she does that." Nan and I had spread cereal bits out on the floor and Maddy would crawl a couple of steps to get at them.

I was so excited and have spent a good chunk of today trying to coax her to crawl some more. I've used toys and books and coercion. She would not do it though. Finally, I got out the cereal pieces again and this is what happened...

She's so funny. Now, she's going to be even more dangerous. I'm already not really sure how she does what she does. Like, how did she end up here?


  1. She is so cute, I love her little faux hawk!

  2. I love it when the dad is all, "oh yeah. No big deal. I've seen that before."
