Friday, June 3, 2016

Just a Maddy kind of day

This was a really busy day for me today. I didn't get home from work till late, but Ash kept me updated with what Maddy was doing today.

Apparently, first thing this morning, Ash and Maddy went for a walk so Maddy could get "steps." Ash told me later that she had been sifting through his desk and found his old Fitbit and has now taken possession of it.

Then I got another picture and all it said was, "Maddy is nuts." This one made me smile.

Then when I came home tonight, I found this...

Maddy had written a note to her puppets. It says "Puppets wor gow to disne goodbye puppets." (Translation: Puppets, we're going to disney. Goodbye, puppets." -- There was a little help from Ash spelling puppets and goodbye. Apprently she originally spelled puppets - pupis.)You can tell what Maddy is thinking about though.

I love her little cleverness that makes a busy day at work fun.

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